Thursday, April 10, 2008

Guess who can turn over?!?!?

The last few months have been amazing, our gorgeous son makes our minutes, our hours, our days, our months, our lives. Every day we are continuously amazed on how wonderful it feels to be parents to such a wonderful baby boy.

What has happened in the last month or so......
1. DROOL machine, the liquid from his mouth does not stop coming-teething anyone (or so the doctore suspects).
2. Turn-over-our boy officially can turn over to whatever position he wants to be in, there goes putting him on the couch!
3. He talks and he laughs! What a wonderful sound he makes early in the morning when he wants us to know that it is time to wake up and to take care of him. Thank you son for not crying!
4. He screams- he officially knows that he has a GREAT set of lungs and screams, but not because he's upset he just loves screaming.


the splendid life of us... said...

I hope you had a wonderful first mothers day!

Kristen said...

Heidi! Your son is beautiful. What fun to read about you as a mommy. I can sense the love and joy you feel through the words you write. Hopefully we can keep better in touch with this blogging thing!