Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Do you see what I don't see?!?!?!?

So after several coments from my family telling me that I look pregnant, or that I have a big belly (thanks mom!!) I asked Josh to take a picture of me, because I really don't see that there is a bump or some sign that tells people "Heidi is pregnant." Do you see anything?

I am happily now 11 weeks pregnant, and really according to the many internet sights that I read I am not going to show for a few more weeks. But I am not going to fit my clothes (yeah, tell me about it!) and I will feel bloated, BOTH extremely correct.

After waiting so long to be pregnant, I am happy to say that I LOVE BEING PREGNANT, "all day sickness" and all!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Bubble bath anyone?

Today a coworker, who is also a good friend, came in exhausted from staying up with her little girl last night. Late at night (okay it was at 10 pm, but for my friend it felt like 1 am), she came in to her living room and noticed that there was something wrong with the fish tank, according to her she didn't have her glasses on and was looking at a distance at the fish tank. She noticed white stuff, coming out of the fish tank and as she got closer she passed her daughter's room and noticed that her daughter's bottle of body wash was on the bed empty (new bottle!!). But she kept going and got closer to the fish tank to realize that "hmmmm, this tank smells good". Sure enough her daughter was trying to clean the fish and the tank with her body wash...fish were trying to survive at the bottom of the tank and some had already died and were on top of bubbles, on the top of the fish tank.
As my friend told me this story, as a counselor I had my understanding comments of how frustrating that was for her...then I couldn't help but laugh and she joined right in and stated, "last night it wasn't funny but today I see the humor".........

I can't wait to be a mommy!!!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Proud Auntie!!!

My nephew Wyatt was blessed today! What an amazing experience that it was to see him being blessed and continue the path that Heavenly Father has set out for him and his parents. I was so grateful for such a beautiful nephew and such amazing parents!

A part of me was very excited to see Josh participate in the blessing and know that soon, he will be doing the same for Caden. He will provide Caden with one of the most wonderful gifts, a small view at the blessing that the Lord has instore for him.

Oh, and I have to show off my husband's wonderful taste in choosing the suit that Wyatt is happily wearing.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Time is getting closer

As I am constantly thinking about the time ahead, the more excited and nervous I become. To be a mom seems to have been a dream that would never be reached. But here I am 17 days before the due date of Caden Daniel....
As we talk to Alison, she has shared with us her worries and her concerns, but also her faith in knowing that this is what is right for Caden. She is constantly in our prayers and in our minds, we have so much love for her and want her to achieve all the goals and blessings that our Heavenly Father has instore for her. She is an amazing person!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Grandma bought a Swing!

Time is coming near to when we get to see Caden, one of our greatest spiritual gifts. I think in many ways I'm in "nesting" mode, unfortunatley for Josh that means he has to be an active participant in the CLEANING, and my pickiness to make sure that all is ready for Caden.

We picked out the crib that should be getting hear soon, and are excited to put it together. We are also constantly shopping for things we know we are going to need but also things that are just TOO CUTE to pass out on, afterall Caden deserves the best.

We are now getting a lot of questions from friends and coworkers about when is our son coming, well...like Alison says, "he will come when he is ready!" and we are very excited for him to be ready!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

A heart beat

Today we went once again to see our doctor, this time for my first ultrasound! Josh and I were so curious to know if we would be able to see a heartbeat and to see whatever else is going on inside me. After our hour drive we arrived at the clinic.

The doctor did an ultrasound and told us that there was only one sac, one baby, but the chances of two growing is not unlikely. two? well I don't know about that.... one is perfect. We were able to see the heartbeat.

Monday, October 29, 2007

A Trip To Remember.

This weekend Josh and I had the chance to visit Alabama to meet Alison, Caden's birthmother, and her family. To tell you the truth I was so nervous that I think I was making myself sick. What would they expect? Would Alison be disappointed she chose us? So many questions that faced us, but I was glad that through all of this and through out all to come my husband was and will be there.

We arrive on Friday night at about 10:30 to our hotel and decided to call Alison's social worker the next morning. Surprisingly, we both slept really well and woke up at about 7:00 am, sat in bed and just talked while we waited until 8:00 to call the social worker. When we called we decided to meet at 10 am at a restaurant called the "Cracker Barrel" (people we are in the south!). Josh and I arrived about 15 minutes early without a problem. We first met the social worker, who was nice and very positive about the whole experience. Then Alison arrived with her brother Johnson. Both of them looked so familiar to us, and we felt connected to Alison. Things though a little awkward at the beginning worked our PERFECTLY.

Alison, with an amazing determination, was able to get the birth father to sign the adoption papers that afternoon. We didn't have a chance to meet him, but did get to see him from a distance and for some reason it was really good for us to see him. After Alison's dedication of picking up his id and talking him through the things that needed to be signed in front of a notary, it was completed. Alison had sign them before and according to her and the social worker that was an experience of its own. A new judge, with zero experience with adoption papers struggled with the idea of having them sign, but at the end was wonderful and did sign them all.

Later Alison, Josh and I went to a park sat down and just talked. It was good to see her in person and to get to know her, not through IM or emails. We also went to the mall that had about 4 stores (okay I am exaggerating but it was a very small mall). Then went to her home which was absolutely beautiful, it was designed by her parents and the structure and color was like something from a magazine. Alison's mother made us dinner and invited the missionaries to join in the feast. After we all sat down and just talked for hours. Alison and her family are amazing people with a very strong Spirituality. At no point did we feel uncomfortable or unwelcome our love for Alison and her family grew at that moment.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

My Nephew is born!

On October 18 at about 12:35 my wonderful sister and brother had their son Wyatt, he weighs 5 lbs 15 oz and is as beautiful as can be. There were a lot of complications with both my sister and Wyatt but now they are both home and doing well.

My sister amazes me! After having a c-section and other things done during the birth she is walking around taking care of her son and being one of the strongest mothers that I have ever known. I guess the strength comes with being a mother and knowing that there is this special soul that Heavenly Father has sent and that Wyatt, as all children of God, deserve the best of all things. Watching my sister with her son is a moment were I am just in awe. My sister, one of my closest friends, is a Mother.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Soon to be parents.

Miracles happen every day and each day we are surprised by the blessings of our Heavenly Father. We have been approved, and now chosen to adopt a beautiful baby boy that will be welcomed into this world December 21, 2007. It is true that God knows what He is doing and that there is a time and place for everything that He has set for us in our lives. A baby boy!!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Why Blog!?!?!

The real reason why we decided to start to blog is because of the wonderful news that we heard on the 26th of September at about 11:30 am. Josh was at work and I was as well (in Dickinson, Texas). Around that time I got a call from Julie our social worker.

I guess I should start by saying that we have been trying to have children for four years. About 6 months after we were married we began to try to have children. A year later we knew we needed to get more help from professionals to find out what was going on. After several surgeries for both Josh and I, we found out that the possibilities for us to have children were narrowed slim to non. I remember meeting with a doctor who told us that there was no way that we would have children and that we needed to adopt. The words he used were not ones of kindness but of as a matter of fact, and I don't care about you two at all. I am forever going to remember that doctor, as we began what seems like the longest journey of our lives. It is extremely hard to see everyone around you having children, planned or unplanned, and not realize that there are many who struggle.

Josh and I prayed, fasted, went to the temple and received many blessing to be guided on what we should do. We also received a lot of guidance from our family, who really wanted to support and help us. My mother was someone who had mentioned adoption, and because I thought about that doctor I was unwilling to consider it. I remember going to the temple with Josh one day and seeing a couple who was sealed with the baby they adopted. The sound of joy from that couple pierced my heart and I knew. We will love our baby no matter where he/she came from.

So the call came from Julie who asked me if I wanted to hear what she had to say, or if I wanted to join the call with Josh. After a couple of tries I joined the call with Josh, and the question from Julie came, "what do you know of Alabama?" We really had no idea were she was going with this....A birth mother had chosen us, a baby boy due December 21, 2007, WOW! Josh and I cried on the phone as Julie told us of the birthmother and how she came to the agency and made her decision. We felt the Spirit through out the entire conversation, and felt how "right" it was.

Why Blog?!?!? our boy needs to know how much we love him and that we are extremly excited, happy, and blessed as we wait to have him home!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Well here we go, this will be the first time that we do something like this and to tell you the truth we are a bit nervous. We have seen so many wonderful bloggers and compared to others we know we won't compare. We are so excited at the same time to do this for us and for those of you who have asked us to do this. Well, let's see what happens....